Wednesday, March 12, 2014

30 Day: Day 3 : 10 things you hate in Lolita

1. The sizing. I think that's pretty straightforward... I'm a plus sized Lolita but in America I'm only a size 12...

2. Elitism. Brand/off-brand/handmade... I don't care, if it looks good it looks good!

3. Shipping from China/Japan.

4. The prices. I know it's a niche market... doesn't mean I have to like how much brand socks cost.

5. Heat. I live in Texas, this is a given.

6. Rude reactions. You are a grown man, why in the world do you think I need to hear that?

7. Misleading photos. I hate it when something looks like it'll be decent quality in the picture but when you get it has bad lace and fraying button holes.

8. Misleading measurements. I hate getting a new blouse or dress and my reaction upon trying it on being: "in what world does this fit an 84 cm waist?!"

9. "So who are you cosplaying?"

10. The combination of wind and wigs.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. you're in Texas too? So am I, and I agree with the heat 1,000%
