Tuesday, September 30, 2014

52 Week: My first meetup

My first meetup was mentioned in my last post... laser tag!

I remember being a little nervous, just because it was a new group of people who I'd never met. I'd been to cosplay meetups before (I've since left the cosplay group, and while I still cosplay I do it much more casually) but never a lolita meet, and so I wasn't quite sure what was going to happen.

My mom and I did a "dry run" a day or two before, where we drive out to the meetup location so that I can see ahead of time if there's any construction or how some funky thing on the map works, and pick out landmarks. And then, if anything goes wrong, then mom is in the car with me and we can figure out how to fix it without me having a panic attack ^_^; Anyway, I knew how to get there, and everything went fine, I think I was the third person there? I'm always early.

I think they lumped us in with a few more people, but it was largely just us playing, and we did sweet versus classic and gothic for the team divide ^_^ It was a total blast and we hung out after the game, and it just generally made me very excited about being part of the comm.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

52 Week: 3 Things I wish I was told when I was a new Lolita

1. Comfortable shoes are very important.

If you're going to a meetup that is a rather active meetup, or one that requires a lot of walking, like say, oh, laser tag or, um, the zoo... for goodness sakes, if you do not have a pair of flat lolita shoes, just wear ballet flats! It doesn't matter that they're not strictly lolita, just wear ballet flats, and for the love of everything do not wear heels even if they are the only lolita shoes you have.

On the plus side, I now know that it is possible to play laser tag in heels. Not very fun, but possible.

2. You never HAVE to wear makeup.

For whatever reason, I somehow got it in my head while researching the fashion that makeup was a "must" while wearing lolita. It is not. Yes, it completes the look and makes you look more polished in general, but you never "have" to wear it. Also, I didn't actually realize what BB cream was until this summer, so there were quite a few days that I was in really hot weather wearing foundation. Don't do it. Just don't. Especially if you're just walking around campus.

3. You look just fine if you wear glasses rather than contacts.

You do. Trust me. And if you want to put on eye makeup, just take your glasses off, get close to the mirror so you can see, put on the eye makeup, and put your glasses back on. You look just fine.

BONUS: Things you will find out when you start wearing lolita:

1. Petticoats are a pain to drive in.
2. Do not wear new tights around your overexcited dogs.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

52 Week: Combining other fashions with Lolita

This one might be short-ish but considering that this will be like the fourth thing I've posted today, I think that's okay.

I am a big fan of combining fashions! If you never introduce new things into a fashion, then the the fashion can't grow, becomes static, and then becomes boring and slowly dies off. I have said this many, many, times for a lot of different things. However, I think that combining things needs to stay in the realm of the rules. Also it needs to look good as an outfit in general, that's probably the most important thing.

For example: I'm starting to amass a collection of resin jewelry. I know that a lot of people wear resin jewelry with both Fairy Kei and OTT sweet (or just sweet) and it looks absolutely fantastic. I, however, have not done that yet, because the jewelry that I have would not look good in a coord with the dresses I have. The colors match, yes, but while I think that a resin star with little dinosaur sprinkles in it would look adorable in a Fairy Kei or even the right OTT Sweet coord, it would not look good with my own coords, which are usually more old school sweet, country, or classic. Kind of like how, while some of the colors are also similar, I wouldn't wear the same necklace with one of my Sunday dresses. I think this should be common knowledge but sometimes I'm surprised.

I think combining fashions is really best done only when you are very immersed in both fashions. I think that Peachie does a great job of combining elements of Fairy Kei with elements of OTT sweet. I however, would not be able to do the same thing with near the amount of success, because I don't know very much about Fairy Kei. I would love to apply some Mori-girl or Aristocrat elements to my lolita (there's a girl in my comm who I believe does Aristocrat as well as lolita and her coords are fantastic and elegant and wonderful) but, again, I'm not as familiar with those as I am with lolita, and I think it would definitely show.

If you want to add elements of something into your main fashion of choice, but you're not very familiar with that "something," look around for pictures of people who have done it successfully. Learning from them will give you a start, and then you can learn more about that other fashion and begin successful forays into combinations!

... Oh wow, this is actually a decent length, yay!

30 Day Lolita Challenge: Day 28-30 CHALLENGE COMPLETE!

Day 28: A picture of the perfect lolita location:

Okay, this is just taken from Google Maps Streetview, but this is Patty Cakes Bakery, here in Galveston. I picked here because a) it's a bakery, and no matter your style, a love of sweets is one thing that most lolita's share, and also, it's old fashioned and cute! Check them out here

Day 29: A picture of a lolita you would love to meet for real:

I don't want to take one of their pictures without permission, so I can't do a picture, but I would love to meet Peachie or Lovely Lor! I watch their videos a lot, and they're a big part of how I got up the courage to start wearing Lolita in the first place! 

Day 30:  A photo of yourself taken today and 3 good things that’s happened over the last 30 days

You do not want to see my face today. I have been in bed sick all day and it is not a thing of beauty. Would a fairly recent non-lolita selfie do the trick?

Good Thing #1: I made new friends on Tumblr.

Good Thing #2: I finished an essay and felt good about it. 

Good Thing #3: My "Intro to Museums and Conservation" class went on a field trip to the Texas Seaport Museum and I got to walk on a tall ship for the first time. 

30 Day Lolita Challenge: Day 20-27

Day 20: A picture of a lolita friend

Here, have multiple friends! This is from a meetup at the art museum!

Day 21: Your favorite fictional lolita

I don't have one yet?

Day 22: A picture of your room

Here's pictures of my dorm room? 

Day 23: A picture of your handwriting

Why do you make me do things? 

Day 24: A picture of you from a meet

This was right before I left for the meet, so it still counts ^_^

Day 25: Your favorite lolita themed artwork:


Day 26: Your Facebook profile picture

It's literally just my face from the picture above ^_^

Day 27: One song that fits your lolita style:

Not really sure what this means! I'll just say "START: DASH" by μ

So... Challenges... Right...

Did I say that I would have time to blog this summer? Surely I didn't say that...

Ooooohhhhhh boy, I have let this blog slide a lot! My summer was very busy, with illness and online classes and volunteering, and so while I was active on Tumblr, a lot of my "blogging blogging" kind of went by the wayside. Also, I've been working on an original novel, and so if I had time to sit down and write something, that's usually what I was working on. Or I was doing character research, and ended up on Tumblr anyway.

Also, these challenges are, well, challenges! I'm very bad about keeping up with trends, and even in lolita fashion, I tend to ignore trends completely, unless it's something that I like, and even then my notice of the trend will be more of a "hey, it's magically easier to find people selling that thing I like, hooray!" So weekly topics like "3 trends I wish would come back" "Trends I thought I would never get into, but I now love" "Trends I thought I loved, but now I'm not too keen on" and etcetera, are very hard for me to do, because I'm sitting here like "um... what's been a trend? Oh, solid tights were a trend? Okay, I like those, that's all the leg wear I own..." As I mentioned, I'm very practical with my fashion choices, even in a very impractical fashion like lolita.

So, I'm deciding how finishing off these challenges is going to go down. I've started my new semester of college, and I now have an on-campus job (I'm a TA for my favorite professor!) so I'm likely not going to have as much time to really blog as I did last semester (which wasn't much in the first place, I know) but I will try to keep going at a steady rate. With the "30 day" challenge, there's a lot of pictures in there, and so I might do a post that just has "30 Day Challenge: Day 20-25" and a bunch of pictures. With the "52 week" challenge, I'm just going to do the ones that I have something to say about, because we don't need a bunch of "uh, trends... right" posts from me. So if I go from week 19's topic to week 32's topic, you haven't missed anything!

And that's pretty much it. I think I might try to finish up the 30 Day challenge today, and figure out what post I'm doing next on the 52 week, so expect an update soon!