Saturday, July 26, 2014

Review: Dreadful Darling Art

So, I've had a package waiting on my desk for me for a week or a little over now, and tonight I finally got to open it! The package was from Dreadful Darling Art, and I'd been waiting to open it because it was my reward for getting through a really rough week of school work (I'm taking an online Spanish class this summer... I've gone through about half the class in a week! My own personal decision, cause the class itself was kinda stressful, but still...) and I'm absolutely over the moon in love with everything! 

I've ordered from Dreadful Darling Art (her store is on Etsy) once before, and while I haven't used any of her pieces for Lolita (although with this new order I think if I put together a Halloween-themed coord I definitely will!) But I think that a lot of her stuff lends itself very well to OTT sweet, Fairy kei, and a bunch of different street fashion styles. I always get lots of compliments on my jewelry when I'm wearing something of hers! 


Angie has fantastic communication. With this order there weren't any shipping problems, she let me know when she shipped it and I got the package really really quickly and all was fine. The first time I ordered from her I had it sent to my campus, and our mail is a little weird, and so even though everything is fine, it always gets marked as "undeliverable" on tracking. She sent me a message telling me what had happened and saying that she would try to get it figured out, and while in reality there wasn't a problem, I was just really happy that she was that on top of it all. Plus she's always really nice and friendly in her Etsy messages!


Dreadful Darling Art is the only store I've ever bought resin jewelry from, so I don't have any "in my hand" comparisons, but from what I've heard about good v.s bad resin jewelry, I can definitely say that this is really good quality. Resin aside, it's just plain good quality jewelry. The attachments for the chain (on the necklaces) are really secure, and I can now say that the ring backings are as well. The jewelry itself is nice and smooth, and it's hard like you'd expect from a good resin piece. I can be kind of hard on jewelry, especially jewelry that I wear a lot, and my first necklace from her is still in the same condition it was when I first bought it.

Likeness to Picture

Her pictures on Etsy are absolutely fantastic. I have so many of her necklaces in my favorites list, it's a little crazy. All of her pieces are unique, and so you don't have to worry about any kind of photo difference, because what's in the photo is what you're getting, and she's very good about describing the size and everything you might have questions about in the item description.

In General
I could recommend Dreadful Darling Art forever. I'm absolutely in love with her jewelry and whenever I wear it I can't stop staring at it and playing with it. Her prices are really reasonable, especially for good quality resin jewelry, and as a seller she's one of those perfect people who just make you want to buy from her again and again! 

And now comes the part where I show pictures and gush about everything! SHE PUT A TON OF EXTRA STUFF IN, I'M SO EXCITED!

To start off, look at the precious sticker on the package! I'm keeping it, it's so cute and happy!

Everything was packaged so nicely! The tissue paper is a nice touch, and everything was really protected! You can kind of see it in the package, but I got a handwritten note and a business card ^_^

EEE! Look at it, it's so pretty! She puts everything in these precious little bags, isn't that adorable? BUT LOOK AT IT IT'S SO PRETTY!

She gave me extra things! My eyes about popped out of my head when I saw this second bag!

Everything together! Ah, it's all so cute! And she gave me TWO necklace chains! I can't decide which one I should put it on first!

I'm keeping all these stickers! She closed up the tissue paper with them, so there's the lollipop from the outside, and then the cupcake and milkshake that were on the paper. I put them in one of the little green bags so that they won't stick to anything else ^_^

It's so pretty! I can't get over it, I keep staring at it! I fell in love with it just from her picture on Etsy, but I'm even more in love with it in person!

SHE SENT ME A MATCHING RING! Oh my goodness, I squealed when I saw this! It's so cute and fantastic and I'm so happy!

Little ghosties! These are so precious, I've been playing with them pretty much every moment that I'm not typing this out: they're tiny and cute and adorable and pretty much everything I like all rolled into one thing!

Since I mentioned it so much in the review, I thought I should also take a picture of my other necklace! It's got little dinosaurs in it! And the glitter in the back is pink and orange and it's just so adorable!