Sunday, September 28, 2014

52 Week: 3 Things I wish I was told when I was a new Lolita

1. Comfortable shoes are very important.

If you're going to a meetup that is a rather active meetup, or one that requires a lot of walking, like say, oh, laser tag or, um, the zoo... for goodness sakes, if you do not have a pair of flat lolita shoes, just wear ballet flats! It doesn't matter that they're not strictly lolita, just wear ballet flats, and for the love of everything do not wear heels even if they are the only lolita shoes you have.

On the plus side, I now know that it is possible to play laser tag in heels. Not very fun, but possible.

2. You never HAVE to wear makeup.

For whatever reason, I somehow got it in my head while researching the fashion that makeup was a "must" while wearing lolita. It is not. Yes, it completes the look and makes you look more polished in general, but you never "have" to wear it. Also, I didn't actually realize what BB cream was until this summer, so there were quite a few days that I was in really hot weather wearing foundation. Don't do it. Just don't. Especially if you're just walking around campus.

3. You look just fine if you wear glasses rather than contacts.

You do. Trust me. And if you want to put on eye makeup, just take your glasses off, get close to the mirror so you can see, put on the eye makeup, and put your glasses back on. You look just fine.

BONUS: Things you will find out when you start wearing lolita:

1. Petticoats are a pain to drive in.
2. Do not wear new tights around your overexcited dogs.

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