Wednesday, October 29, 2014

52 Week: Bloomers or no bloomers?

I think it's very much a matter of personal opinion what you wear under your skirts, but I definitely think that you need to wear some kind of shorts, whether they be bloomers, running shorts, pajama bottoms, or boxer shorts, and, weather permitting, with or without tights. Obviously, if it's very hot out, you want to take any kind of short cuts you can, so if you're wearing tights, you probably don't want to wear anything else underneath, but if you can stand it, I think it's a good idea.

I live on an island for around seven months out of the year, and my love for bloomers comes from the simple fact that, in my world, ocean breezes are a thing, and they are a powerful thing. There are many days that I step out of my door and my skirt instantly decides I need to be in a cliche shoujo anime. Or it thinks that I'm Marilyn Monroe (ha, fooled it, didn't I?) and that we're standing over a vent. Some kind of shorts are very necessary in case of wind, but I also don't have to worry about what my skirt is doing when I sit down, or somebody deciding to creep on me. I've been very fortunate in that I haven't had a noticeable problem with other people deciding to be rude and look under, or lift up, my skirt, but I've heard a good number of horror stories. Some kind of shorts are, in my opinion, very necessary.

I personally prefer bloomers over everything else because I like the look. It just kind of completes the way I feel about my coordinate. I make my own bloomers, so they're really very cheap: just the cost of a yard of fabric and some elastic (or a drawstring, but I haven't tried making drawstring bloomers yet.) Plus, then I can make them out of all kinds of cute fabrics: I have a pair that's the typical lolitaish rose print, but I also have a pair (which need to be repaired since I hand sewed them) that are made from Winnie the Pooh fabric, and I have another that are made from horse print fabric. I also have a pair made from thick fleece for when the weather gets really bad, and they're warmer than any of my pajama pants! So to me, wearing bloomers completes my coordinate in a way that wearing my old marching band shorts doesn't, and that's why I recommend them over regular shorts.

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