Monday, May 19, 2014

52 Week: 5 keywords that describe my personal Lolita style

1. Simple

I'm not a big fan of complicated things. Out of Lolita I wear my hair down, usually, or in pigtails; something I can do myself in about five minutes. My haircut is always something that doesn't need to be styled... I haven't even used my hair dryer in over a year. My non-Lolita clothes are either simple feminine or something that I can easily wear to the barn and not care if my horse rubs his muddy face on. I don't even like complicated shoes.

Simplicity extends to my Lolita style. I own one print, and even then it's a nice consistent floral all over the dress, and my solid colored dresses are my favorite: the most complicated they get are pintucks and maybe a fancy collar. Maybe. My accessories are usually pretty minimal, a low-key necklace, the occasional brooch, and even more rarely, a ring. My hairstyle is, as always, something I can do myself in about five minutes (I have a curling iron... I haven't used it yet.) See me in a group, and likely mine will be the most simple, low-key, coord. It's not that I don't like elaborate coords, in fact I gush over them just as much as anyone, but at the same time I know, even if I did the exact same thing I admire on other people... it's just not me!

2. Practical

Harkening back to that first paragraph, my simple tastes are also practical ones. I rarely wear makeup out of Lolita because on the average day... I just don't care. Even when I wear Lolita, sometimes I just decide that it's too hot and I'll only sweat it off anyway (this happens the most when I'm in Galveston and it's humid... in Dallas I usually don't feel that out of it.) My favorite shoes are my walkable, flat, shoes, and even my heels or RHS' I don't mind walking in (although let's maybe save those for the indoor meetups or when I'm running errands that don't include walking around a mall...) All my dresses can get wet, and I keep my jewelry minimal enough that I'm not worried about anything breaking while I'm out (I'm careful with necklaces, but rings and bracelets... watch out!) It's not like I'm going to go to the barn or go babysit a room of two-year-olds while wearing Lolita... but I make sure that all my coords are something that I'm comfortable going about my daily life in.

3. Doll-like

I absolutely adore dolls (I don't have a BJD but I want one) and I have a small collection of them, and they're what I tend to base my overall look on. Simple makeup, solid (or mostly solid) colored dresses, and minimal, dainty, jewelry... and I have to admit that one of my dolls has a dress that I'm thinking of replicating for myself.

4. Storybook

This word comes from one particular "nice stranger" story of mine. It was the start of the fall semester (Fall 2013) and I was bound and determined that I was going to wear Lolita the first day of my classes. Well, turns out it was raining on the first day, so I changed that plan to the first week... but I was determined! Lolita, in August, in Galveston... bad plan. I was absolutely miserable every second that I was outside. The only legwear I had (the only legwear I still have...) was tights. I was wearing a sleeveless OP with a cardigan. I had put on makeup. It was awful. I didn't change, because I was determined that I had put forth the effort so far, and I was going to make it through the day. And I did. I even wore it when I made a trip to Walmart after I was done with classes. At Walmart, I was tired, I was sweaty, I was sure my hair looked like a wreck, and I was wearing heels, and had been all day. And then, while I was trying to get my bearings in a store I hadn't been in in months, an employee came up to me, and said "I just wanted to tell you that you look beautiful, like a character in a storybook!" It absolutely made my day, heck, it made my week. I STILL think about it every time I wear Lolita out, and it is a massive confidence boost.

5. Mom-approved

From the time I started dressing myself, my dad has always urged me to ask my mom if my outfit looks okay. I love the way my mom dresses, she always looks nice. While we're at home, or at the barn, yes of course then it's holey barn jeans or a stained sleep shirt, but when we're in public, she looks amazing. And so from elementary on, I've always asked my mom if I'm unsure about an outfit; even now that I'm in college I'll text her pictures or video call her so she can see what I'm wearing, and tell me "yes that shirt does clash with the blazer" or "no, that pin isn't too much I don't know why you're worried." And so my mom has had a hand in all my major Lolita pieces. When I bought my first dress, I narrowed it down to four, and she picked the one I was leaning towards the most (it's still my favorite dress.) She bought a dress for me for Christmas. She helped me make my brown skirt. I showed her my blue dress before I had even considered buying it to check on her opinion. So I would definitely say that my Lolita style is definitely "kid tested, mother approved."

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